This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Now, more than ever, I am proud to be an American! Happy fourth of July to my American family. Thus far, this camp has opened my eyes up to a world I have never known. Today we officially met the children, and while there is a language barrier, the children were still receptive to our hugs and attempts to pronounce their names. We were able to interact with these children through soccer, hand games and braiding hair. These simple activities are helping build relationships with both the children and the Ukrainian team that is here with us.
Zhenya, the director of this camp, spoke perfectly tonight when he said, "When we came the children's hearts began to beat a little faster. Not because of fear but because of joy!" May that be our prayer throughout this camp, to show these children a Father who wants nothing more than to bring them joy! May we show them the abundance of this joy during our time here.
Day one is done and rest is much needed for camp tomorrow!
Until next time friends,