This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Friday started bright and early with a 3-mile run at 5:00am. We had a pretty massive group this morning as we zig-zagged through the streets of Costa Rica to run laps at a local track. Most of us ran laps while Matt and Dave decided put on a push-up clinic for the locals. I came home to a scrumptious breakfast of pancakes with peanut butter and pineapple jelly, with fresh horchata to wash it down.
Today the education site men teamed up with the sports team to play indoor soccer at an amazing local facility. Surprisingly, not a single one of us passed out from exhaustion. I learned 3 things during the chaos of indoor soccer in Costa Rica today:
- Most 10-year-old Costa Ricans (Ticos) are better than me at futbol (soccer)
- Fuego's got mad goalie skills
- Richie literally never gets tired
After soccer we went back to the education site to watch a movie on a large projector screen while eating popcorn and marshmallows. Yesterday we made minions using paper plates, which was super cool. Tonight we will have a chance to meet and buy handmade crafts from some of the local Tico women. Personally, I can't wait to stuff myself with some local treats. We've only been here a few days and I'm just blown away and humbled at the warmth and kindness I've been shown. This will not be an easy place to leave.