This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

As we left Jordan and transitioned to Lebanon, my energy levels were low, to be honest. We did a lot of work in Jordan and I felt run down. However my spirits were high and I was excited to see what God had in store for us in Lebanon. As we entered Lebanon and met the Youth for Christ staff, I felt my energy start to return. Hearing how YFC is spread out and reaching these people encouraged me. However, the war that has been going on here is clearly visible. There are bullet and shrapnel holes in buildings, walls and the roads.
After the meet and greet, we went to a Syrian Club, a youth group of sorts that YFC holds just for Syrian kids. This is the first youth group YFC has held just for Syrian kids. The Lebanese and Syrian kids have experienced different traumas and need different programs to share the gospel with them, which is why they have created separate groups.
When we arrived we played games and interacted with the kids, and we had a ton of fun. But when the leader started telling a story about Jesus, he captured my attention. He was telling the story of when the disciples were scared of the storm and they woke Jesus up and He calmed the storm. The application was when you are scared, trust Jesus to calm the waves of life. However, he used an example I am definitely not used to. He said, “When I heard the bombs dropping, I was very scared. I felt like the disciples and was wondering where Jesus was. When you hear those things, trust Jesus to calm you.” These people have experienced trauma I can never imagine.
Hearing this comparison and processing all I have experienced, I cannot help but pray to the God of the universe. There are so many in need, so much that has already happened and so much to do. I do not see how there can be a solution or even relief for these people. However, I do know God is in control and He has a plan. I have faith in Him for the resolution to this crisis. My heart breaks for these people and hearing what has happened to them, but God is mighty, powerful and can restore anything and everything. As I move forward in Lebanon, I have a renewed spirit and a higher view of God.