This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Today our team experienced a very different Christmas. Due to jetlag, some of us woke up as early as 2am while others woke up later to the sound of nine little children running around the guest house. Instead of waking up to the comfort of our homes in Fresno, we were welcomed by mosquito nets, morning sweat from humidity, and dogs barking (which I am convinced was to the tune of “Jingle Bells”). Of course, with homemade cinnamon rolls to kick off the day, we all we were excited to jump in a Coaster (bus-like car) and head to church. Church was located in the midst of a forest of trees, filled with many mzungus (white people-missionaries) and Ugandans; all gathering to remember Jesus through singing.
After lunch, we headed off to a local orphanage, Arise and Shine, to encourage the staff. It was so intriguing to see how the dynamics of our team played out as each of us walked into a backyard swarming with spirited children. We spent part of the afternoon with the children and then headed back to prepare for a Christmas feast. Preparing the meal took up the rest of the day and by the time we ate, everyone was beyond exhausted.
As we ventured through Jinja today, my heart began to wrestle with so much. It is interesting when you have your mind set on how the day will look and God has something entirely different in store. The majority of the team had an awesome Christmas, but I was stretched today.
My mindset for Christmas was simplicity. My definition for a simple Christmas included the fact that we were all celebrating a major holiday in a new country with the sole purpose of serving. Simple Christmas, right? But today proved to be the opposite. As I prepared for a restful day, a day of remembrance, the day ended up being nonstop. I began to battle with letting go of my idea of a “simple Christmas” and as I served frustrated, my mind kept remembering Emmanuel, God with us. God was with my team and I in each and every moment today. He had me exactly where he wanted me for Christmas 2013, even if it wasn't what I expected.
I signed up to blog for Christmas, excited to write about what it's like to experience another kind of Christmas down in Africa, but what I experienced was the familiar reality of how much I need Jesus each and every day. Today marks His birth. Although His birth may have slipped my mind several times, His presence was evident today. Thank Jesus for the good days and rough days! The Well calls these trips “Exposure trips” and man it has already exposed me to the discomfort in my flesh, but complete comfort through Him. I am stoked about the upcoming weeks and am blessed to be a part of a team that loves Jesus and others well in the midst of stretching experiences.
Ashlyn Downs- Uganda Team, Sole Hope