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Coming here to Costa Rica has been a true blessing upon my life. A lot of times, I feel like people go on these trips thinking that they are going to be doing all the teaching and helping. At least, that is the way I remember feeling when I went on my very first missions trip 10 years ago. However, I have come to realize that more often than not, I feel like I learn a lot more from the people that I am serving on these Exposure Trips.

The Costa Rican people inspire me so much! They love Jesus so much and just find so much happiness in the simpleness of life. This is so profound for me because my life in Fresno gets so busy with work and making money. I become so consumed with being a realtor and worldly desires, that I start to drift away from the church, my family, and God.

God definitely brought me here to remind me once again of what is truly important in this life: Him and Him alone. He keeps whispering in my ear to just completely die to myself already. He’s waiting for me to let go of all of my lustful desires (sexual immorality, making money, having things, etc.). I know that going back to Fresno, I will immediately be tempted to lift all of these lustful desires above Christ and I just pray that He grants me the strength to avoid the same pitfalls.
Have a great week Well family!
Isaiah T.