This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

We are having such a great time on Mission New York! We have done so much for the city! In the mornings we have been helping run a VBS camp for kids in a predominately Chinese neighborhood. We have led worship, which by the way is AWESOME, we have been running games, crafts, and bible study. It has been such a blessing connecting with the kids of all ages and even the leaders. In the afternoons, we have been doing different ministry projects. We've served food to people with STD’s and helped clean rooms and organized for an organization that helps homeless teens. We also went on a prayer tour that took us behind the scenes of the normal “New York”. We learned about homelessness, human trafficking, and even the richer people of New York. Honestly, it was probably the most humbling experience I have ever been in.
God has shown me and the others on the team that New York is not all money and fame. He has shown us that New York is full of broken people just like everywhere else. It has been such a humbling experience to see how much I have in my life compared to most people in New York. God has also been showing me that people just want somebody to talk to. I could see that the people in the STD organization have been abandoned by everybody, all they wanted was somebody to talk to, and honestly that is enough sometimes. We have also been doing Devotions in the morning and that has been amazing! We have been going through Philippians and Colossians, and seeing how Paul wants the church to live like Christ. God has been doing amazing things through me personally and the whole team.
Continue to Pray with us as we are overcoming fears and continuing to spread the word of our Christ Jesus.
Brett Ford for Mission NY WSM
Mission New York is teaching all of us an abundance of lessons and traits we need to grow in Christ. We are all learning the true meaning of flexibility. To be truly flexible you have to learn how to deal with delayed subways, screaming kids, and crazy sleeping schedules. However, I know that each and every one of us would not trade this experience for anything. We have accepted the fact that we are truly helpless without God and have pushed our bodies to the limit, waking up every morning and seeing the kids at the VBS camp we are running is revitalizing and a blessing. Together we have been taking them through the book of Exodus, as well as leading worship and acting out skits. (The food they serve for lunch is absolutely INCREDIBLE!)
The ministry opportunities we have been given are nothing short of amazing. Everyday after we eat lunch at the VBS we head over to a different community service opportunity. So far we have walked all throughout New York praying for various landmarks and groups of people. We have also had the chance to serve food to people with the HIV/AIDS virus and give them the love and affection they long for. On Wednesday our community service project was cancelled so we were blessed with the opportunity to evangelize in West Harlem. When the barriers were broken between us and the people of the city, we learned that all people are desperate for love. God has shown us time and time again His people should be desperate for Him and He has given us amazing opportunities to make disciples of all nations.
Thank you all SO much for your prayer and continuous support we are all extremely excited to tell you more about how God has been working in the city of New York!!!
Sam Fairbanks for Mission NY WSM