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There are few things in life that are more dynamic than the first year of a child's life. The parents of that child get to experience the 9 months before the child's arrival. This incubating time stirs a lot of expectations and thoughts in one's mind. Then the day arrives that the little one makes it's entrance into the world. Schedules are shifted, emotions are high, and love grows deeper in a moment. From that point on you watch a infant grow. From sleeping peaceful new born, to a little life "waking up" to the world around itself. It's cognitive development alone is amazing and to couple that with the physical development brings astonishment to the parents. Soon that little one is crawling, cruising, and eventually standing on its two feet. There are few birthdays that carry significance like the first birthday.
For me, I have got to watch this process in two very distinct but similar ways over the last year. Our son Sawyer, was born at the end of July in 2010 and we have watched him grow and change over the last year. The Well, launched its third campus, the Clovis campus in October of 2010. I have drawn many parallels between the two over the last year and just recently we got to celebrate the first birthday of the Clovis Campus. Here are a few takeaways over the last year that I have noticed about our people at the Well and particularly in Clovis.
- You are pioneers . Trailblazers, with a passion to step into new territory. Launching at a new location with new people takes a certain kind of motivation. I will always remember those of you who have stepped up to the calling to continue what God is stirring in the city as pioneers, people who share a vision.
- You are trustworthy . I know as a pastor I can count on you. It is not always easy to work through the relational dynamics of a new campus, let alone the specific gathering requirements it demands. I trust you all for ministry on and outside of Sunday. Christian living is a life for you not a meeting time on a particular day.
- You are a joy . There are ups and downs. There are broken marriages, healing ones, sick family members, tragedy, and new beginnings. Through it all we have been able to smile at what God is doing and trust in the hope only He brings. This brings a smile to a pastor's face.
Thank you for a great first year, and lets look ahead to many more together.
– Jerrod