Student Ministries Team

Jordan Hogue

Jordan Hogue WSM Director

Jordan grew up right here in Fresno and loves his hometown. He loves woodworking, hitting the golf course, and making coastal trips with his wife. The gospel has radically transformed Jordan’s life, and it is the desire and motivation of that heart for all people to see the uniqueness and beauty of Jesus. Jordan has been married to his bride Jamie since 2011. They have a son named Rowan and a daughter named Jubilee. 

Josh Manning

Josh Manning Clovis Campus High School Pastor

Josh was born and raised in Fresno and joined The Well in 2024. Outside of work, he loves to spend time in the outdoors. What truly excites him is seeing students fall in love with the Word of God and witnessing how God uses his Word to transform their lives. He and his wife, Brynn, welcomed their first daughter in March 2025.

Brynn McIlhatton

Brynn McIlhatton Student Ministries Program Coordinator and Female Shepherd

Brynn has been attending The Well since she was in Middle School. When she is not working, she loves spending quality time with her friends, playing pickleball or pilates, and cooking fun meals. Brynn loves working with students because she sees God's character on display as she sees His hand in the fun moments, silly moments, and the challenging moments of walking with students. Through working with students, she's consistently reminded that God does not call us to Him once we've reached a certain age, season of life, or point of perfection, but He calls us to give him everything wherever we are. It's been one of her greatest honors and privileges to enter in with students wherever they are and see middle and high school students devoting their whole lives to God.

Michael Warkentin

Michael Warkentin Clovis Campus Middle School Pastor

Michael is from Reedley and began attending The Well while in college at Fresno Pacific University. He loves playing just about any sport, especially golf, and is currently spending a lot of time doing CrossFit. Michael knows what a formative time middle school is and finds joy in helping students see the beauty of the gospel and their need for an awesome savior.

Evalyn Ratzlaff

Evalyn Ratzlaff Middle School Ministry Coordinator

Evalyn grew up in Fresno and has been attending The Well since 2007. She was involved in Well Student Ministries for over 6 years as a student and is now serving as a life group leader. She has a love for Student Ministries because the Lord began to radically grow her faith in seventh grade, and she’s thankful for the community that surrounded her during those years. Evalyn graduated high school in 2020 and loves to garden, read, and walk her dogs.

Sarah Rosenthal

Sarah Rosenthal Middle/High School Worship Leader

Sarah has been at The Well since 2020 and has served in worship and Student Ministry since 2022. In her free time, she enjoys being outside in God's creation, reading her favorite book "Hinds Feet on High Places," watching movies, and going on day trips with friends.

She loves creating a space for the next generation to seek God's face and know Him more through worship through song. She is humbled and honored to be chosen by God to lead out in authenticity and watch him use that for HIS kingdom.

Shaina Hough

Shaina Hough WSM Administrator

Shaina has been at The Well since 2005 and has been serving in various ministries since 2008. Her free time is spent driving her three kids to different schools and sporting events and occasionally sneaking in a sushi date with her husband. Her favorite part of working at The Well is helping create a safe place for students to feel loved, seen and known by the Lord.

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